FAQ- What Happens to the Camper After?

Many people asked me what would happen to our little mobile home after The Longest Walk NZ was over. I honestly didn’t know myself. Lots of possibities, but I had no answer.

Well, now I do. This is what happens:

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After some shuffling around and some earthworks that needed to be completed before setting up properly, the boys and I are properly set up at our new home. Charlie the Chariot is now one of the flashest dog kennels in the area. Probably the only one with insulation, ventilation, lighting and even the option of a fan running on solar power! It also doubles as a place for me to store stuff if I want, as the caravan you see beside it is my house and storage is limited.

It’s still coming in very handy and forms an important part of our over-all home “system”. I’m glad the boys can enjoy the comfort of the familiar as well as having the ability to come inside or go out whenever they want now. There are also loads of bush walks and places to explore, both at home and nearby, so it’s all working out well.

So if you asked that question, you now have your answer.

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